Monday, February 14, 2011

Jeremy & Laura's Pan-Fried Steak and Potatoes

4 6-oz steaks (we just used 2, it was fine)
2 tbsp oil
6 tbsp crushed black peppercorns (we used 3)
3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp Cognac (we used Scotch, a web site said you can substitute this with Scotch, whiskey, or regular brandy)
1/4 c white wine
1/2 c heavy cream

Rub the steaks on both sides with the oil and press the crushed peppercorns into the meat. Melt the butter in a large frying pan and cook the steaks for 2-4 minutes on each side, depending on how you like your steak.

Add the cognac and flambe (we didn't do this, the cast iron skilled sizzled the alcohol right off, no flames needed!) by lighting the frying pan with your gas flame or a match (stand back when you this and keep a pan lid handy for emergencies).

Put the steaks on a warm plate. Add the wine to the pan and boil, stirring, for 1 minute to deglaze the pan. Add cream and stir for 1-2 minutes. Season and pour over the steaks.

Note: The peppercorns are quite strong.  If you don't like really spicy foods, regular pepper would work just as well.

Baked potatoes:
Preheat oven to 350, put racks in middle and bottom slots. Place pan or foil on bottom rack to catch drippings.

Wash and dry potatoes, and then stick them with a fork a few times so they don't explode. Then coat them in canola oil and sprinkle them with your choice of salt.  Place directly on middle rack and bake for an hour, or until the skin is crispy and the insides are cooked.

The sauce from the steaks is DELICIOUS on the potatoes.

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